Monday, June 11, 2012

Customer Crafted Service – A Deeper Dive

The Customer Crafted Service Model, as described in my previous posting, “The Next Frontier”, highlights the concepts for building a customer service system that reflects the demands of today’s customers; customers who have more choices in all areas of products and services than ever before.

At the center of that model is the customer – the decision maker regarding all facets of the interaction.  Surrounding the customer are the various communication tools that are available today.  All forms of mobile devices along with traditional devices are supported.  Customers are free to choose the form of communication that meets their current situation and preferences. 

Wrapped around the communication “ring” is the “data” ring.  Within this ring are the various data repositories which contain all interaction, transaction and tracking history.  This data is the same data that the agent views when called upon by the customer to help resolve a problem. 

Essentially, the Customer Crafted Service model has as its foundation the concept that the customer has the power to choose which communication method to choose at any given moment and through that method, has the ability to access all of the information that is available regardless of the communication method selected.  Within this model, there are no silos of data permitted.  There are no “advantages” for a customer to select 1 communication method over another. 

Of course, many will say that this idea is not viable or not possible given the multitude of vendors needing to be connected together in order to have the necessary level of seamless integration.  Hogwash!  Be patient and demanding and watch the web community create the conduits.  In fact, the integration will be the easy part.

The real challenge is the “customer crafted” part of the model.  This is the part of the model that takes differentiation to an entirely new level.  Personalization like you have never imagined is a vital part of this model.  In fact, the Customer Crafted Service model is the only design that communicates who is the focal point as a part of every interaction.

How you achieve the level of personalization that translates, in the mind of the customer, into a competitive advantage is something I have thought about for a number of years.  I am willing to share this information and all the concepts behind the Customer Crafted Service model to those who are truly interested in leading their market.  Here’s my offer.

I will host a 1 hour webinar briefing on the Customer Crafted Service model to any organization that wants to look at an entirely new way to view their customer service strategy.  In the briefing, I will present the reason it is time to drop the status quo and re-think how service is delivered.  I will present the architecture of the Customer Crafted Service model and how it differs from today’s service models.  I will wrap up the session by describing how this system becomes so highly personalized that customers will wonder why everyone doesn’t offer the same service.  The Customer Crafted Service model is the next generation of service that is available starting today. 

The cost of this 1 hour briefing is $200.00.  I can be reached through my web page @ 

The economy is getting ready for a big turnaround.  If you would like to put your company in the best possible position to take advantage of the coming boom, you need to have deployed your service model based on the Customer Crafted Service concepts.